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It never fails to amaze how the failure to register, where registration is a civil consequence, is a complete strict liability criminal offense with pretty much automatic prison time. The only thing more upsetting than that fact is the sheeple who cheer for this use of our tax dollars (see the recent posts on this site about 85 years prison and Life without Parole for Failure to Register).

Ironically, on this article in the Boston Globe, there is a related news article on the same page titled “Activists plead for legislators to create jobs, not prisons”

Ha ha.

This is what got this guy sent to prison for an infraction of civil law, with no violence and no victims:
1) assuming that failure to register equals intend to commit a serious crime.
2) assuming this guy had a gun because someone said so, and of course you assume he’ll do anything because of assumption #1.
The punch line is that after the officers build this guy up to be the next Adam Walsh copy cat, he simply comes out of the house and gives himself up. I can almost hear the lament of the last deputy quoted. Like a hunter hoping to bag a man eating tiger, out from the burrow creeps a ferret.

“These sexual predators — that’s what they are, predators — will go anywhere, across state lines, across the world, and it’s important that we have these partnerships of Marshals and local and State Police tracking them,” said US Marshal John Gibbons, representing Massachusetts.”

Which translate to: “I can claim anything I want to about these people because I don’t have to prove it. No, I don’t have any evidence they were actively stalking anyone one but I don’t need no stinkin’ evidence.

“The law requires sex offenders to comply with registration obligations by providing accurate, updated offender information, which helps prevent further victimization of children and other vulnerable populations,” said Saundra Edwards, chair of the Sex Offender Registry Board.

Of course she believes it. It’s her job and provides her a lucrative living off the backs of people just wanting to be left alone who probably feel enough is enough.

And of course a bogus headline reading US Marshals, police team up to hunt ‘predators’ ,even if it is a lie, does sell newspapers.

The pretzel logic our overlord class continues to use is absolutely ridiculous.

Utter BS. They are saving kids? They need to prove that he did anything else wrong. Oh wait they have NOTHING. Same baseless lies and calling him a preditor. Failure to register is a civil commitment wrapped up with criminal litigation. It opens it self to being unconstitutional anyways, making a none illegal anything into a what a violent something? Exactly what else did he do? Any prof?

so if you fail to register, you are a predator?

if one can grope workers in elevators, buy off witness, and then become governor, then he is a hero?

what universal truths have eluded us and society at large?